Thursday, October 2, 2008

Musings from the first two weeks

The first two weeks of this online course has been more time consuming and intensive than I ever imagined. I enjoy the class and all the new experiences – but I am sad that I am not able to devote the time and energy that I would like to invest into all of the assignments. I think that I could easily devote several days to the blog page alone!

It has been frustrating and nerve rattling to try to get all my assignments complete in a few hours each evening. I would love to read and respond to all the posts in the discussion board but I realize that realistically I will not be able to.

Although I teach a course online I have never taken a course online and so this experience has definitely opened my eyes to the good and sometimes difficult aspects of online learning! I am sure that I will be more empathetic to my online students in the future.

I have never used a blog before and so I am happy that I have not only been introduced to this technology but I am actually participating! Will wonders ever cease! I am anxious to use this for assessment in a course

1 comment:

Paula said...

I am so impressed with your level of reflection and analysis. I would never have guessed this is your first experiene with an online course.

Paula ~ Eau Claire