Friday, October 31, 2008

Module 6 - Reflections

I thought that it was extremely interesting to compare the Casey and Khalsa course activities and to read the other students comments about what they will use in their course and why. It really helped clear up in my mind what type of activities I should use and why I am using them.

Working on my survey
I enjoyed developing the survey. I designed one for the midterm and used it in one of my courses. The students enjoyed completing the survey as well. For this open ended survey I had to take some time to consider what I would like to include that I could really use to help in my course. It wasn't as easy as I originally had thought. I will use this in the future and I imagine that it will be "tweaked" several times before the final version is complete.

Generally if I become frustrated with something it has to do with technology not working for me - either because of my lack of knowledge or becauce of a technical problem. Such was the case with my development of my survey. I know that you are assigned with a URL once you launch the survey and that you can only view the survey for ten days. I am not sure how to save the survey to be viewed after this ten days are up.

My Tentative Update on the Final ProjectFor my Final Project
I will work on my Developmental Psychology online course.The four learning objectives that I will use are:

• Compare the various theoretical frameworks as they apply to development.
• Analyze developmental issues related physical/biological, cognitive and psychological changes across the lifespan.
• Evaluate the integration of genetics and environmental influences on development.
• Describe the nature-nurture debate.

The technology that I am considering using for assessment are Wiki page, discussion board, survey, electronic portfolio and a blog.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Sherry, I placed my survey comments in the answers to your surveys. Please go there to view.

I'll wait on your Week 6 reflections - hope that you are right on track fo r the final. I'm looking forward to reviewing it.

Datta Kaur