Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Module 5 - Reflections

I enjoyed reading Casey's course philosophy, objectives and activities. It had so many activities that it made it easy to complete our taxonomy assignment. It also is a good source of ideas for assessment to use in other courses.

It was good to revisit Bloom's Taxonomy again - however while I was surfing the web I came across a revision of Bloom's Taxonomy. I found this revision to be great! The language used to describe the levels is easier to understand and therefore use. According to the the page I visited at the APA ONLINE site Kevin Smythe & Jan Halonon in their article "Using the New Bloom's Taxonomy to Design Meaningful Assessments" stated that Bloom's Taxonomy has recieved many criticisms because it is out dated. The new adapted model is designed to "fit the needs of today's classroom by employing more outcom-oriented language, workable objectives, and changing nourns to active verbs. Most notably, knowledge has been converted to remember." I have included the link to this revision of Bloom's Taxonomy Chart www.apa.org/ed/new_blooms.html

As I read the articles on plagiarism it mentioned that it is much easier for students to take credit for work that is not their own. However, I also found that the use of the internet also makes it much easier to find the sources that the students have used to cheat. I thought the "turnitin" site was great! I plan on using this site if necessary in the future. I'm happy that it was included in our readings. I have begun to ask my students to print out the pages that they used when using the internet for research. This has substantially cut down on students plagiarizing.

I have a great sense of accomplishment at having been able to upload this table into my blog. I originally was not able to and in the process of getting help to do so I was introduced to a new tool - Scribd.com - I was able to sign up and save my file and embed it into this blog!!

My Tentative Update on the Final Project

For my Final Project I will work on my Developmental Psychology online course.

The four learning objectives that I will use are:
• Compare the various theoretical frameworks as they apply to development.
• Analyze developmental issues related physical/biological, cognitive and psychological changes across the lifespan.
• Evaluate the integration of genetics and environmental influences on development.
• Describe the nature-nurture debate.

The technology that I am considering using for assessment are Wiki page, discussion board, survey, media portfolio and a blog.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Sherry: The artwork on the new Blooms's Taxonomy table from the link you supplied was very effective.

Glad to hear you have found a new software to try for plagiarism issues. It looks as if you have outlined your final project in detail. We're in the home stretch now!