Saturday, October 11, 2008

Module 3 Reflections

I thought that pairing the Bonk reading with the concept mapping assignment was a good match! It really caused me to take a look at all the educational technology that are out there and how I could use this technology to assess the learning objectives from my various courses. I am pleased that we have and will be using many of the technologies from Bonk’s list in this course. This has not only expanded my horizon to the many methods that are available out there, but has allowed me to have the opportunity to try or use these methods.

As I have mentioned in the discussions - one really has to make sure that they are using the technology tools to assess our learning objectives, and as Dr. Khalsa advised in the discussions: "Never design activities to fit the the opposite...allow the technology to be the tool that will advance and heighten the learning experience."

This has been a hectic week - especially since our team is busy researching and compiling data for our midterm. So far my only regret with the course is that I don’t have the time to devote to experimenting and further researching all the activities as well as being able to read all the discussions.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Sherry, I hear ya! There is never enough time for all, but having the awareness of what is available in your 'toolbox,' might just be enough to have you pull out one of those tools for your future classes.

Glad that the learning seems meaningful so far! ~ Datta Kaur