Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Module 7 Reflections

Completing my final rough draft was both exciting and exhausting for me. I believe that I have developed some activities that I will be able to put to use in my online courses in the future. I have already shared some ideas with my office mate and she now wants to take this course next year.

I tried to embed an avatar within the body of my final project but I found that you are only allowed to put it into a web page. You can get a free trial at When you get to the home page click on products at the top of the page and then click on SitePal. It allows you to do a demo and if you want you can get a free trial for 15 days. It was fairly easy to do and I was surprised how simple it was to record my voice, you call a number on the phone and record your message and it is instantly entered into you page. It's great - our librarian uses this at our school's library page. I'm thinking about using them to introduce activities. For a fee you can upload your own face.

Below is the avatar that I developed.

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